Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The new FIFA 14 FUT Millionaire Price AutoUpdater has been released

fut millionaire autoupdater

Hello guys,

We've just finished testing the new Price AutoUpdater
Module and it seems to be working very well.

This new Module will allow you to pretty much trade in AutoPilot all day as
it adjusts your Item Prices automatically to Market Prices without you having
to move a finger.

This along with the Autobidder (best trading tool in the market by far at the moment)
should take you to an unprecedented level of coin making with the least effort

This is what it looks like
 Basically the Price Updater can be Used either:

- Automatically (You set how long it takes for each refresh)
- Manually (By clicking the Update Now Button)

You can also pick what items you want to Update at each time by selecting
the new Green Icon in your Inventory.

This will allow you to set different update ranges for different items
(but of course this will only work if you are using the Manual Button).

We have also changed other stuff on this New version of the Program like:

- Added Auto Reconnection Timer which means that now if you get Kicked
off the web app for a few seconds (and immediate reconnection is not possible),
the program will wait 1 min and reconnect again without prompting you to Click OK.

- Improved Autobidder General Functionality

- Improved Account and Program Security Measures.

- Increased Players Max Pages Searched (useful for Autobuyer deeper
searches, not really needed for the Autobidder)

- Slight User Interface Tweak

After tomorrow we will be starting work on our next feature which is a Trading
History window where you can see precisely what you have bought/sold with
the program and how much coins you've made.

Thanks guys!

Click Here To Check It Out Now!


  1. I have a problem with my autobuyer

  2. This is all
    [10/03/14 18:31:11] : Autobuyer stoped!
    [10/03/14 18:31:06] : null
    [10/03/14 18:31:00] : Start search
    [10/03/14 18:31:00] : Loaded : 0 items in unassigned pile!
    [10/03/14 18:31:00] : Check items exist in unassigned pile
    [10/03/14 18:31:00] : Loaded : 0 items in trade pile!
    [10/03/14 18:30:58] : Check items exist in trade pile
    [10/03/14 18:30:58] : Autobuyer started!
